INVISION POWER BOARD 1.3 -> 2.0.0 MANUAL UPGRADE ------------------------------------------------ This file is intended to allow you to upgrade your Invision Power Board manually via shell which is ideal for those with large boards where allowing a script to run several queries can time out. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: It is assumed that you are comfortable with SQL and shell and understand the basic concepts of paths, files and source SQL files. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is assumed that you have read the upgrade text and you have backed up your database and files before proceeding. If you haven't backed up - read the file "Documents/upgradefromipb_1x.html" from the download zip. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: FILE PERMISSIONS MATTER. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In order to upgrade properly, you will need to ensure you have set the correct file permissions on the files and folders included with this package. On Windows, this involves checking the files read/write attributes, while on Unix this means you should verify the CHMOD values for the files and folders. The required values are listed in Documents/Installation Guide/install_guide.html (click on the tab that reads 'Structure & CHMOD'). You may wish to fully read over this guide as well, as it has other useful information. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: PERFORM A BACKUP OF YOUR DATABASE BEFORE USING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To perform the update, we'll need to use a mixture of command line, PHP scripting and SQL source files. Firstly, upload sql_1.sql and sql_2.sql into the root IPB folder (the one with index.php in it) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: sql_1.sql and sql_2.sql have queries with the default 'ibf_' table prefix. If your table prefix is different, do a search and replace on those files to change 'ibf_' to your database prefix ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first step is to log onto mysql from shell. ------------------------------------------------ When you have a new terminal window open, type: mysql -u{username} -p{password} (Substituting {username} for your SQL username and {password} for you SQL password) ------------------------------------------------ Then type: use {database} (Substituting {database} for your SQL database) ------------------------------------------------ You should see a message like so: > Reading table information for completion of table and column names > You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A > > Database changed ------------------------------------------------ Now we'll run the first source file. Type: source /home/website/public_html/forums/sql_1.sql (Substituting /home/website/public_html/forums/ with your real path to this file) Please note that while MySQL is performing the SQL commands included in this file, it may take several minutes before it is done processing. You should see output similar to the following return on your screen while it is processing > Query OK, 121133 rows affected (11 min 6.27 sec) > Records: 121133 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 > Do not proceed until a mysql prompt returns. It may seem like MySQL is "hanging", but often times it is just a matter of how large the database is, and how long it takes to update the database. ------------------------------------------------ Now we'll need to run the installer - but we only want a few steps to run, so copy the URL below carefully substituting {} with your real URL to your board: Go to: {}/upgrade/upgrade.php?act=work&version=103&step=7&dieafterstep=13 This may take a while for some large boards. ------------------------------------------------ Now we'll run the second source file. Type: source /home/website/public_html/forums/sql_2.sql (Substituting /home/website/public_html/forums/ with your real path to this file) ------------------------------------------------ Now we'll need to run the installer again - but we only want a few steps to run, so copy the URL below carefully substituting {} with your real URL to your board: Go to: {}/upgrade/upgrade.php?act=work&version=103&step=22 This may take a while for some large boards. This will insert your templates and settings and completes the upgrade ------------------------------------------------ That's it, you should now be running IPB 2! To upgrade to IPB 2.1, afterwards you will be redirected to upgrade/index.php and you should follow the onscreen prompts from there.